Museum Quality Hand-Painted Oil Paintings at Affordable Prices

Find the style and sophistication to enhance your space!

Oil Painting Reproductions of Your Favorite Masterpieces

We’d like to welcome you to iPaintings, where you can order authentic oil painting reproductions. Our museum quality paintings are 100% hand-painted on canvas by professional artists, who have many years of experience painting art reproductions. Why settle for prints or posters, when you have a great opportunity to decorate your walls with stunning painting reproductions of the world’s most famous oil paintings.

The oil painting reproductions we sell are an amazing value that are priced 60-80% below art gallery prices. Our collection consists of a wide range of subjects and art styles, including magnificent oil painting reproductions of original oil paintings by Van Gogh, Monet, Klimt, Renoir, DaVinci, Rembrandt and many other worldwide renowned artists. You may order your oil paintings in any custom size you require to fit the actual wall space in your home or office. Apart from our reproduction paintings, you have the option to choose a custom frame from our designer framing collection, which will beautifully complement any of our oil paintings on canvas.

When ordering our oil painting reproductions, you can be confident that you’re buying a masterpiece with highly detailed workmanship for the lowest possible price. You can place an order directly on our secure website or call us and we can give you expert assistance in processing your order over the phone.

Quality is our #1 priority at iPaintings. That is why each oil painting starts with a blank canvas and top-quality oil paints. We then select only the most highly talented and skilled professional artists to hand-paint your oil painting until it is a true masterpiece. Best of all, every reproduction art that we sell is backed by our exclusive “5-star” 30-day money back guarantee that ensures your complete satisfaction. This is an absolutely risk-free order, so we invite you to join our huge list of satisfied customers!

"We cannot say enough good things about your company!"
"We are very demanding and discriminating consumers who purchase items which we consider high in quality, perfect in condition, and competitively priced. Consequently, we tend to shop locally in order to visually inspect everything that we buy. Well, when my wife and I wanted to purchase two pieces of beautiful art to complete our dining room, we were not able select anything at local art dealers without breaking the bank. Hence, our on-line search for exquisite artwork began.

In order to decide which internet art store to buy from, we telephoned a number of them using their listed contact information. Boy were we surprised to literally hear Chinese; and frustrated over having to deal with voice messaging systems! And then with one phone call, we had the good fortune of speaking with the owner of your company. He so impressed us with his professional knowledge and focus on customer service that we decided to take a risk and order two oil paintings- "Chilly Girl" and "Child Braiding A Crown". The oil paintings have just arrived and they far exceed our every expectation. THEY ARE EXQUISITE!

We paid a designer to decorate our dining room and the oil paintings we purchased from your website are the focal point of our room. We cannot say enough good things about our experience in dealing with your company, except to say that we will be immediate repeat customers!"
Review by: Bernard D'Emidio, Moorestown, NJ
"I am an interior designer & will be using you for my clients."
"I have nothing but great things to say about your company. Recently I ordered 7 oil paintings, all of which are gorgeous! I just had a party at my new home, and everyone was oohing and ahhing over the artwork. They had no idea that they were so inexpensive! Also, the frames I chose were perfect, and looked just like the photos on your website. I am an interior designer, and this was the first time I ordered from your company. I will be using you for all of my clients that want beautiful works of art, but don't want to spend thousands of dollars. Thank you for the great customer service, as well as the beautiful framed oil paintings."
Review by: Cathy Tai - Cathy Tai Interior Design, Bend, OR
"The oil paintings look so beautiful."
"Thank you so much for sending me the oil paintings. I actually received them right on time before the wedding. The oil paintings look so beautiful. I really appreciate all your help and I'm looking forward to receiving the rest of the paintings I ordered. Thank you again and God bless!"
Review by: Paula Nicolas, Strathfield South, Australia
"Thank you for your great customer service."
"I wanted to let you know I received my oil painting today and it is fantastic! Thank you for your great customer service and I truly look forward to placing additional orders."
Review by: Jalena Lichtenwalter, Queen Creek, AZ