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Franz Xavier Winterhalter

Franz Xavier Winterhalter

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Sale: From $439.00 $263.40
Sale: From $499.00 $299.40
Sale: From $439.00 $263.40
Sale: From $429.00 $257.40

Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-1873) was a German painter and lithographer known for his flattering portraits of royalty and upper-class society in the mid-19th century. He was born in the small village of Menzenschwand in Germany's Black Forest. Winterhalter received his training in drawing and engraving before moving to Munich in 1823, where he studied under the portraitist Joseph Karl Stieler. He later benefited from the protection and support of the Grand Dukes of Baden, allowing him to pursue his studies and stay in Italy from 1832-1834. Winterhalter became a sought-after portraitist and was known for his ability to capture the essence and elegance of his subjects, particularly European royalty and aristocracy. His work was influenced by the Rococo and Neoclassical styles, and he became the preferred portraitist of the Second Empire in France. Winterhalter's portraits are celebrated for their technical skill and his ability to capture the beauty and grace of his subjects. His work continues to be highly regarded and has left a lasting impact on the art world.

FRANZ XAVIER WINTERHALTER OIL PAINTING REPRODUCTION is the premier source for exquisite hand-painted Franz Xavier Winterhalter oil painting reproductions on canvas at wholesale prices. All of our Franz Xavier Winterhalter oil paintings are 100% hand-painted on canvas by our skilled artists and are absolutely magnificent!

Please be assured that we DO NOT sell canvas transfers or prints that have brushstrokes applied on top. At, you are buying a genuine signed oil painting on canvas that is painted from scratch by one of our talented master artists. Every Franz Xavier Winterhalter oil painting reproduction starts with a blank canvas and is entirely painted by hand until the oil painting is completed.

With each beautiful brushstroke, our artists capture every detail and character of the original Franz Xavier Winterhalter oil paintings. We promise that as beautiful as the oil paintings appear on our website, they are truly 10 TIMES more beautiful in person! Simply put, our oil paintings are spectacular!