Samuel Luke Fildes |
Sir Samuel Luke Fildes (1843-1927) was a British painter and illustrator born in Liverpool, England. He was known for his contributions to social realism and his famous paintings, such as "The Doctor," which depicted the compassionate care provided by a physician, and "The Village Wedding," which captured the emotional and human aspects of everyday life. Fildes was trained at the South Kensington and Royal Academy Schools and became a prominent figure in the art world, receiving accolades such as being knighted and appointed as a Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order. His work continues to be celebrated for its portrayal of social themes and its influence on the genre of social realism. SAMUEL LUKE FILDES OIL PAINTING REPRODUCTIONiPaintings.com is the premier source for exquisite hand-painted Samuel Luke Fildes oil painting reproductions on canvas at wholesale prices. All of our Samuel Luke Fildes oil paintings are 100% hand-painted on canvas by our skilled artists and are absolutely magnificent! Please be assured that we DO NOT sell canvas transfers or prints that have brushstrokes applied on top. At iPaintings.com, you are buying a genuine signed oil painting on canvas that is painted from scratch by one of our talented master artists. Every Samuel Luke Fildes oil painting reproduction starts with a blank canvas and is entirely painted by hand until the oil painting is completed. With each beautiful brushstroke, our artists capture every detail and character of the original Samuel Luke Fildes oil paintings. We promise that as beautiful as the oil paintings appear on our website, they are truly 10 TIMES more beautiful in person! Simply put, our oil paintings are spectacular! |