Gustav Klimt

Item # LF2520

The Kiss

Painting 39 of 102 in Gustav Klimt
Museum Quality 100% Hand-Painted Oil Painting on Canvas
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Oil Painting Reproduction Description

The Kiss by Gustav Klimt is a 100% hand-painted oil painting reproduction on canvas painted by one of our professional artists. We utilize only the finest oil paints and high quality artist-grade canvas to ensure the most vivid color. Our artists start with a blank canvas and paint each and every brushstroke by hand to re-create all the beauty and details found in the original work of art. If you select one of our handcrafted frames for your oil painting, it will arrive to your door, ready to hang with all hanging accessories included.

The Kiss is an oil-on-canvas painting with added gold leaf, silver and platinum by the Austrian Symbolist painter Gustav Klimt. It was painted at some point in 1907 and 1908, during the height of what scholars call his "Golden Period".

"The Kiss", probably the most popular work by Gustav Klimt, was first exhibited in 1908 at the Kunstschau art exhibition on the site of today’s Konzerthaus. The Ministry bought it from there for the sum of 25,000 Kronen and thus secured for the state one of the icons of Viennese Jugendstil and indeed of European modern art. It undoubtedly represents the culmination of the phase known as the “Golden Epoch”. In this decade, the artist created a puzzling, ornamental encoded programme that revolved around the mystery of existence, love and fulfilment through art.

What is the meaning of The Kiss painting?

Like many of Klimt's works that depict embraces, The Kiss conceals the man's face and focuses instead on the woman. In this work, the young woman's facial expression and closed eyes simultaneously evoke feelings of abandonment, ecstasy and delight.

Why is The Kiss painting famous? "The Kiss" is the final painting of Klimt's Gold Period, during which he incorporated gold leaf into his works. This practice reflects the strong influence of the gold-detailed religious art of the Middle Ages as well as the sacred works created by artists of the Byzantine Empire.
What type of artist was Gustav Klimt?
10 Artworks by Klimt you should know
  1. A Design for the Stocletfries
  2. A Farm Garden With Flowers
  3. A House of Guardaboschi
  4. A Tree Of Life
  5. A Virgin
  6. A Portrait Of Adele Bloch-Bauer I
  7. Adam And Eve
  8. At Malcesine on Lake Garda
  9. Baby
  10. Cartoons For The Stoclet Frieze
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