Gustav Klimt

Item # MO1077KLI

A Kiss

Painting 19 of 102 in Gustav Klimt
Museum Quality 100% Hand-Painted Oil Painting on Canvas
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Oil Painting Reproduction Description
A Kiss by Gustav Klimt is a 100% hand-painted oil painting reproduction on canvas painted by one of our professional artists. We utilize only the finest oil paints and high quality artist-grade canvas to ensure the most vivid color. Our artists start with a blank canvas and paint each and every brushstroke by hand to re-create all the beauty and details found in the original work of art. If you select one of our handcrafted frames for your oil painting, it will arrive to your door, ready to hang with all hanging accessories included.
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Details of the Original Work of Art

Love eternalized - Gustav Klimt's iconic The Kiss ( A Kiss) encapsulates an impassioned embrace that still ignites the heart over a century later. Created during his gilded "Golden Period," this 180cm square masterpiece leaves no doubt of the Austrian artist's obsession with intimacy.

A couple woven in gold leaf become one against a meadow of flowers. The tenderness between them transcends the physical to achieve true connection. Klimt offers a window for us to peek into the vulnerability of lovers through the ages - their hopes, their fears, their longing for understanding.

The reveal of the piece in 1908 shocked and captivated in equal measure. The raw desire and tender humanity on display offended the puritanical norms of its day. Yet in the same brushstrokes, Klimt captured a beauty that resonated within us all.

That resonance continues still. For over 100 years, art lovers around the world flock to marvel at how six square feet of canvas can reflect the totality of human experience back to us. The figures' embrace promises that - despite life's bitterness - the sweetness of true relationship is worth the struggle to attain.

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