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El Greco

El Greco

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Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - A Lady in a Fur Wrap
Sale: From $429.00 $257.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Adoration of the Magi
Sale: From $469.00 $281.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Adoration of the Shepherds 1
Sale: From $519.00 $311.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Adoration of the Shepherds 2
Sale: From $459.00 $275.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Apostle Saint John the Evangelist
Sale: From $429.00 $257.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Apostle Saint Paul
Sale: From $429.00 $257.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Apostle Saint Peter
Sale: From $429.00 $257.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Apostle Saint Philip
Sale: From $429.00 $257.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Apostle Saint Thomas
Sale: From $429.00 $257.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Cardinal Fernando Nino de Guevara 
Sale: From $439.00 $263.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Christ As Saviour
Sale: From $429.00 $257.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Christ Carrying The Cross
Sale: From $429.00 $257.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Christ Embraced the Cross
Sale: From $429.00 $257.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Christ Healing The Blind
Sale: From $519.00 $311.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Christ in Prayer
Sale: From $419.00 $251.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Christ On The Cross Adored By Donors
Sale: From $449.00 $269.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Christ on the Cross 
Sale: From $449.00 $269.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Christ on the Mount of Olives
Sale: From $459.00 $275.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Crucifixion 1
Sale: From $469.00 $281.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Holy Family
Sale: From $449.00 $269.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Holy Trinity
Sale: From $499.00 $299.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Jeronimo de Cevallos
Sale: From $429.00 $257.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Jesus Christ Carrying the Cross
Sale: From $429.00 $257.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Jesus Christ Healing the Blind
Sale: From $519.00 $311.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Laocooen
Sale: From $469.00 $281.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Pentecost
Sale: From $519.00 $311.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Portrait of an Old Man
Sale: From $419.00 $251.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Portrait of the Virgin Mary
Sale: From $429.00 $257.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Resurrection
Sale: From $469.00 $281.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Saint Andrew
Sale: From $429.00 $257.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Saint Anthony of Padua
Sale: From $429.00 $257.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Saint Dominic in Prayer
Sale: From $439.00 $263.40
Reproduction oil paintings - El Greco - Saint Francis in Ecstasy
Sale: From $439.00 $263.40

El Greco, born Doménikos Theotokópoulos in 1541 in Crete, was a Greek painter, sculptor, and architect of the Spanish Renaissance. He is widely known for his emotionally expressive and highly individualistic style, which vividly captured the passion of Counter-Reformation Spain. El Greco's work is characterized by its haunting intensity, unnaturally long figures, and the use of vibrant colors to convey deep emotion. He was trained as an icon painter in the Eastern Orthodox tradition and later moved to Venice to study western-style painting before settling in Spain, where he produced his most important works.

One of his most famous paintings is "The Burial of Count Orgaz," commissioned by the parish priest in Toledo in 1586. This piece is central to the understanding of El Greco's work and is a celebration of the financial obligation that people had to the church. El Greco's work fell into obscurity after his death but was rediscovered in the 19th century, leading to a renewed appreciation of his distinctive and deliberate style.

El Greco's legacy as a Greek artist who made significant contributions to the Spanish Renaissance and his unique, emotionally charged style have solidified his reputation as a prominent figure in the history of art. His work continues to be celebrated for its profound impact and influence on the development of modern art.

EL GRECO OIL PAINTING REPRODUCTIONS is the premier source for exquisite hand-painted El Greco oil painting reproductions on canvas at wholesale prices. All of our El Greco oil paintings are 100% hand-painted on canvas by our skilled artists and are absolutely magnificent!

Please be assured that we DO NOT sell canvas transfers or prints that have brushstrokes applied on top. At, you are buying a genuine signed oil painting on canvas that is painted from scratch by one of our talented master artists. Every El Greco oil painting reproduction starts with a blank canvas and is entirely painted by hand until the oil painting is completed.

With each beautiful brushstroke, our artists capture every detail and character of the original El Greco oil paintings. We promise that as beautiful as the oil paintings appear on our website, they are truly 10 TIMES more beautiful in person! Simply put, our oil paintings are spectacular!